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Publishers use PitchResponse because they want and need authoritative contributions, while filtering out the irrelevant and spammy distractions.
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Manage All Contributor Communication from PitchResponse

View all of your contributor comms and data from every article you’ve written in one place, and escape personal inbox clutter.

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What Customer's Say About Us

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I love just about everything with PitchResponse. Looking at an email inbox all day is a thing of the past for sure! Overall 5 stars from me!
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Eric Burns
CEO of Niche Pursuits
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of users, appreciates our service effeciency

How PitchResponse Works

Filter for only the best contributions, auto-reply rejections, and keep all communications out of your personal email inbox. PitchResponse not only saves you time, but also protects your privacy.
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Submit opportunities for contributors to pitch.
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PitchResponse delivers the exact contributions you need—MDs, high authority sites, or verified social links.
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Seamlessly message contributors on platform.
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Swiftly reject those who aren’t a best fit, and contribute to historical data with downvotes & blacklists (coming soon) when contributors send pitches with zero value.

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Thousands of journalists, bloggers, and contributors are on PitchResponse because it is the best way to get featured.