We connect journalists with top experts to increase their exposure and collaborate on quality content.
Browse through more than just names and beats
Identify the best journalists and outlets for your newsworthy pitch. With audience and traffic analytics from Semrush, no other PR tool on the market offers more reliable data than Prowly.
More accuracy thanks to precise searches
For every keyword you enter, you’ll get AI suggestions with contextually similar keywords to help you find more relevant contacts
Use dozens of relevant filters to easily sift through all the data points and find exactly what you need
Get covered by the media
“Your service helped me locate the press contacts I needed to make a breast cancer awareness video we did go viral. My mom is a survivor. We were able to spread the word because you made it easier for us to contact the right people.”
Fully Optimized Pitching
Make outreach more effective with curated media lists
Whether you’re creating a list from scratch or updating one that already works, you can always count on contact performance statistics. That way, your selection is always data-driven and personalized.